Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wild wild animals Part 2!
The Corals will continue the journey of adventure in the Singapore Zoo....because there were so much funs!!! We wanted to see Animals...Here come all the young adventurous Corals...Watch out!
Attention Corals, we are going to have a joint venture with Seahorses to go into the Zoo!
Prior to our journey, let's us have some window shopping 1st! :)
Orang UTAN!
Lion KING!

Corals, pay attention! Look around and see what other animals out there?
You gotta see carefully, otherwise you will miss TWO GIRAFFES!

Teacher, is that a big bird? My dearest Corals, It is an Ostrich!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Wild wild animals
Hi Parents,
Welcome to the Corals newest adventure trip - Singapore Zoo! The Corals become very interested in animals, animal noises, and anything related to wild animals. We thought this would be a great way to show them in person these things really do exist outside of books! All of us had a blast looking at giraffes, zebra's, an exciting elephant show, and lions. Get ready and go!
Yeah, we are all ready to see for all the wild animals!

Guess what's the scene that caught up all the Corals attention?
....The answer ---> The exciting elephant show