Saturday, September 26, 2009
Super Star Outing!
Where've the Corals up to recently? Curious...Yes! we've been invited to the SuperStar Children Party. Programmes included of "Ballon Man" special performance -Keith Coast from USA, dynamic songs singing and many more...We had a fun-filled and energetic packed party on that day. Thank you Eager Beaver SchoolHouse to arrange with such a wonderful outing.
Look! Could you see how Keith's tried to get into the ballon?
The following photos which outlighted the Corals excitements while travelled out to the performance venue.

Where've the Corals up to recently? Curious? Yes, we're invited to a Super Star Children party to have fun. There were songs singing, "Ballon Man" special performance and many more...we had a fun-filled and energetic packed party.
Monday, September 7, 2009
How the Corals spend their day in School?
Do you think coming to school is fun, the Corals? Of course, there are so much activities that we can do in school. Studying letters ABC, Chinese, reading books in the library corner, playing imaginative blocks and more...And, there are always my dearest Teacher Cecelia's and classmates with me to shower love and encouragement every day!
See, how fun that we are all reading books as a class.
Apart from playing, we are studying too.

Do not forget, our physical development need taking care as well.
Hi welcome to "lady corner", see how girls imaginative blocks different from boys.